2015년 10월 12일 월요일

Crisis of sub-culture: Gender VS Gender ?!

            This year we had big incident in video game. People named it Joy queen incident or ‘Queenspiracy’ that from name of female indi video game maker who provide source of this incident, because of this problem started from her scandal, but also this happened gets larger by crazily over reacted people who harass her. However, serious problem is not her and this essay is not about just Queenspiracy.

Problem is the third people who do not have any knowledge of video game and the other sub-culture made this childish incident to be ‘Gender VS Gender’ Problem. They are usually people who from Media, NGO, and useless people who want to be famous. They started criticize everything of female in sub-culture include comic.Of course part of these people’s opinion about female in sub- culture is right. Because of most of female in comic or video game had no right or less power and most of female’s positions were far from main protagonist. But it can’t be reason to these group of people criticize sub-culture industry and consumer as video gamer.

Comic, video game and novel are not real. Even it can give bad influence people, they can solve this problem by making right society in real life. They need to learn they are breaking freedom of expression to exchange with duty of teaching their children. How irresponsible for their life and their children? And bring Gender Vs Gender in unreal world to be issue is most stupid thing. If these people want to solve problem of female right, they need to make solution from real world.

And also Subculture consumers are not only certain gender. While they are making issue of stupide Gander Vs Gender battle, they ignored voice of female consumers, because these people already decided to consumers of sub culture are authoritative evil men.  These people believe they are fighting with sexual discrimination but ironically they are spreading sexual discrimination.

2015년 10월 3일 토요일

After read MAUS

World war II, it was biggest war that famous topic of sub culture. We can see watch this war from movie, cartoon and games for fun. However, we might know, we hard to see behind of war that contain big tragedy, but it is not only story for the victim by the victim, this story just shows man who lived that time by metaphor and natural view of writer who son of protagonist.  And that’s why this graphic novel is special.  

Author Art Spiegelman wrote this story depend on his Father’s life. This story shows relationship between Art spiegelman and his father Vladek. Art born after war is over however, his parents held in war mentally, and it cause Art feel sorry to his parents and also it cause problem too. Vladek and Art’s relationship is really worst and Arts drew all of that in his cartoon and even he drew he has responsibility of his mother’s death. However, Vladek has problem too, because he compared Art with his first son Leshu Spiegelman who die while WWII. Art knew it was kind of PTSD but it gives big stress and he gets mental illness from his father. This illness make Art get in asylum and it influence his mother Anya’s suicide.  ‘MAUS’ contain lots of Vladek’s survival story, but subsistence is this post war part that shows story after ending credit.  Every chapter reminds me this book is special, because this is not only typical survival story. Bladek is victim of war, but we can see his selfishness and hysterical character that hard to understand, even he is patient of PTSD.

            WWII part is typical story about holocaust, that shows lots of people’s characteristic.
Good people who did not agree to holocaust or people who shows opportunism. Sometime Vladek gets help from someone but gets in trap too and he lose his family and friend by war. Of course it influence Vladek’s PTSD but ironically he did not gets any lesson from war, and it shows at the post war part. When Vladek  and Art’s wife Françoise  were driving Françoise saw black man who was hitchhiking, and she let him in but Vladek was being really angry about black person ride car with him, because Vladek was racist too. How Ironic?