2015년 9월 2일 수요일

Watch. Read. Compare

Did you play video game that requires leveling character? Sometime player must learn from death of character about what they have to fix and need to add. ‘Edge of Tomorrow ‘is that kind of movie like video game. “LIVE. DIE. REPEAT” all of mistakes are acceptable in the game because players never get damage, but if we think about view of characters in the game?‘Edge of Tomorrow’ might be movie that requires more communication between characters and people who watch this movie.  However, we should know the origin of this movie.

            Edge of Tomorrow’s origin is “All You Need is Kill” that written by Japanese writer Hiroshi Sakurajaka.Story might be different however, movie and book is following kind of same brench.  ‘All You Need Is Kill’s Protagonist Kiriya Kaji and ‘Edge of Tomorrow’s protagonist  William Cage repeat their lives. These movie and cartoon tried to show about repeating lives to the end. They both met Rita Braska, the fell in love but someday they face farewell.  Repeating is special point of this story that gives difference from the other movies. If they do not have story element of repeating lives, this story line could be just a traditional story.
‘Edge Of tomorrow’ and original book could be just normal action movie and cartoon however important elements ‘Live,Die, Repeat’ changed all and gives new view to people who enjoy these media. Cage could die in the battle field while all allied forces  killing by unknown alien Mimic, however since he killed first Mimic in his life, he stated repeating. It was Alpah Mimic that available to turn back time as save and continue in the game. Therefore, Cage always stated hi life day before Operation Downfall. While he keeps dying he meet woman name Rita Braska, and since Cage felt something abnormal thing from her, she suggest find her when he back to pest. She was person who experienced same situation before Cage did.  It might be something not right story that in normal movie, depend on time line cage met her after he died more then several times. However it solved by he repeats his life.  It is funny also important story element, repeating life is key point and also humor code of this movie.  By cage’s repeating audience can see lots of way to he die and unfortunately it is humorous. Usually he dies in battlefield but also he get execution by Rita after he get unconscious while training more then several times and sometime he dies by stupid mistake as road kill.  Real time in story is just one day before start Operation Downfall, however by repeating life of Cage audience can see most of possibility. 

All of events in movie make us feel more game then movie, even ‘Edge of Tomorrow’ is movie. Like a game William Cage has tones of choices that he can do even most of choices’ result weren’t much good.  However, by showing all possibility that Cage’s choice, people can feel in to protagonist’s life they control character in game.  This is most important value of this movie that mentioned in first paragraph. This movie partially success to break border between players and audiences, even audiences can not change story they can guess why Cage changed or how Cage being a warrior while he was repeating and facing possibility to end this story as players clear the game stage or missions. If only difference that this movie and game cannot be same is Cage’s story will be in progress with out audiences choices. However, it is positive point because even people not good at game they can see enjoy story with out any control and they can have vicarious satisfaction. In view of vicarious satisfaction ‘Edge of Tomorrow’ is perfect contents, people can see all possibility and can see all story in action with out narration and it never require good gaming skill.

This movie has open ending story even it is movie. Movie’s difference when it compare to game is movie’s ending might more narrow then game story of game contains because usually audiences do not have choices, but ‘Edge of Tomorrow’  sotry follow story elements of game even till end.  This is review, it can explain how f media is attractive, but it cannot spoil all story, but this review guarantee ‘Edge of Tomorrow’ is good movie.

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